Moon Wisteria

Your shy dog boi


A shy country boy now living in the city. Moon grew up in a small country side nicknamed ‘the land of forever’ being how the wisteria tree grew plenty there. This town he lived in was mainly all dog hybrids, pure breeds to be exact with few to nothing else. Besides of course till his mother met his father, a human; for this Moon was shunned by most. Making it hard for him to make friends or communicate properly. Even with being treated this way he still kept a polite and sweet attitude in hopes he’d be liked one day. He lived in the town till he turned 18, setting out to the city to follow his dreams of making music. Which leads to the present, Moon is a music producer and part time model; he’s still small but is slow branching out more and more.

Little facts about Moon

  • Likes hugs and cuddles, enjoys skin ship.

  • Is generally shy even with those hes close to, it’s easy to fluster him.

  • He enjoys singing often and can be seen humming to himself.

  • Is bad at taking compliments usually will deny it in someway.

  • Very busy but tries his best to be around when he can.

  • Is a helpless romantic but is always afraid of not being good enough.

  • Smells of peaches(not sweet more fresh/clean) as well as taste, which is actually his favorite fruit.

  • When in Rut his peach scent gets more spice and earthy tones to it, like cinnamon, peppercorn, and oak wood.

  • Moon only has a tail and ears and can not fully transform into a dog but still has lots of traits.

  • Moon is a dad, when he was younger he adopted a small girl in his village. Raising her on his own with small help from his parents. He often sends her letters and brings her gifts when he comes back to the village since she decided to stay and build a family of her own there.


Admin and other info
Mirror lit mostly
Admin works full time so tends to not be on often or very slow. 23ooc
Taken ooc

My special berries
My kitty cake- 5/9/21
LiLi- 9/6/21
My puddin- 7/15/22
My tulip- 9/28/22
My petal - 1/5/23
My vanilla bean- 5/17/23
My Friendly Flowers Sunshine(honey bunch)